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Training Tips – Timing & Corrections

 If you don’t know operant conditioning/ a/k/a clicker training , please see the featured article found on the home page on this website, before continuing with this article.

There you will learn more about the value and the why of timing, along with the benefits of training with positive reinforcement.

Training Tips: Timing and Corrections

How often has the thought of dog training ever crossed your mind in a steeped effort to bring out the better behavior in your dog?

Dog people have been proclaiming for some time now that quality dog training can heighten the bonding that you can potentially experience together with your furry friend. All that it takes is a bit of time and effort to make it become a reality.

Dog training is actually very straightforward and an experienced dog trainer can find the perfect blend of dog training science and art for your particular dog. However, anybody who’s truly ready to train their dogs should understand the various elements that go into successful dog training in order to get the most out of it.


At the very top of the list is the issue of timing. This can be crucial in determining the amount of success that dog training will do for your little one. Furthermore on the issue, timing is being able to give reinforcements (be it click and treat or playtime) to your puppy or older dog to have them better understand the behaviors you want and those that you dislike.

Next is the issue of a reprimanding and the best times to do it. For example, should your dog be corrected if he does something wrong, or is it better to ignore the bad behavior so that he will come to realize that bad behavior just doesn’t pay? (No reinforcement.)

The theory here is that giving your dog lots of attention and showering him with positive reinforcements (treats) is a better way of dog training than to constantly tell him what he’s doing wrong and reprimanding him all the time. Which would you prefer; being taught with positive reward based training, or be taught with fear of correction for doing wrong?

However, you must also remember never to surrender or remain entirely oblivious to your dog when he’s showing poor behavior. That will just make him duplicate the exact same behavior even more over time. Instead knowing when and how to re-direct is better than reprimanding your dog, this is an essential skill of every professional dog trainer.

Giving Your Dog Enough Attention

All of this comes down to how much time you give training your dog. Dogs love to get lots of attention and this is one of the key elements of dog training. Just remember, it is best to train in short intervals while keeping a upbeat personality, you will get much further doing three fun 10 minute sessions than one 30 minute session.

Another important thing to remember when teaching your dog new behaviors is to remain consistent. Always use the exact same commands when teaching the dog. This will prevent confusion and help you to get your message across. Over time, you’ll notice that your dog will learn the new behaviors and act accordingly with time.

Again, always get yourself in the right mood before training.  Dog training requires an excessive amount of patience, along with a good sense of humor.



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